Reflections on the autumn equinox

For many years, I was fortunate to study with a gifted meditation teacher. He approached instruction from a Zen perspective, and often assigned tasks that seemed impossible. If we had concerns that we didn’t think we could complete a task, he’d agree, with a mysterious smile.

Then, he’d clarify. We were right in thinking that the “I” we thought we were could not accomplish the task. So then, who could? What skills did we need to develop? Where did we need to evolve? What did we need to release? What transformation was needed for success?

In autumn, in anticipation of the cold, plants take stock. They draw nutrients out of their leaves, storing that which is essential. That which is unnecessary is carried away by the wind. Fall provides a welcome invitation to take stock of recent lessons and accomplishments, and to determine what blessings and gifts you’ll carry forward, as well as what hindrances you are ready to leave behind. What can you let go of to become the person who accomplishes your deepest heart goals? What can you develop to take a step towards growing into wherever you would like to be?

Tonight, as the first new moon of autumn greets us, inviting us to lay the groundwork for beautiful new beginnings, I’ll ponder autumn’s invitations for reflection. I hope you similarly feel inspired by the season.

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